Ages 2.5 - 5
Tiddlerz (2.5 - 3.5s)
This class is for Little People and their Big People. Trainers take everyone on an adventurous journey as participants explore the way their bodies work, move, and play. Tiddlerz discover that they can roll, balance, throw, jump and bounce in ways they could never have imagined. Circus obstacle courses each week allow Tiddlerz to develop their fine and gross motor skills, learn about themselves, interact with others and have fun at the circus.
The Tiddlerz activities program has been developed by Joel Osborne in conjunction with Early Childhood experts, and, while the kids are having too much fun to realise it, progressively develops skills over the semester. Parents and guardians receive regular feedback as their children reach milestones and Tiddlerz are invited to perform for their friends and families at the end of each semester.
Big Tiddlerz (3.5 - 5s)
Big Tiddlerz continues the work on fine and gross motor skills, confidence and teamwork, and follows the same format with the same familiar trainers as their Tiddlerz classes, while preparing them to venture out on their own in our after school classes.
For more information about the benefits of gross motor skills and creative play, plus some easy acrobatic skills to try at home, download our Tiddlerz resource here. This resource was carefully and expertly put together by Occupational Therapy students from UniSA, Brittany Price and Ashleigh Greene.