Cirkidz SROI

Circus Research Studies

Why circus works

The SA Circus Centre and UniSA are dedicated to the ongoing research into Why Circus Works.

Circus in Schools 2015 : Research Summary Key Findings

  • Statistically significant increase of troupe student’s means scores for Planning and Task Management compared to their peers (i.e. the non-troupe, control group students)
  • Statistically significant difference between the beneficial decrease in one negative motivation and engagement to learning factor (Disengagement) for students involved in the Cirkidz troupe compared to their peers.
  • These findings indicate that involvement by students in the regular circus based skills training directly affected their levels of motivation and engagement to learning.


2017 SROI study: Key Findings
For every $1 invested, $7 of savings is generated via improvements in children’s health and wellbeing due to participation in our circus programs.

UniSA’s Richard McGrath and General Manager, Nick Skibinski speak about the latest SROI study and explain the results of the research: Watch on YouTube.

More SROI links about our study:
Science Daily

Medical Xpress



The National Tribune

Mirage News
