The Cirkidz Journey
Where does my family begin?
Tiddlerz (ages 2.5 - 5) This is where children begin their journey in our circus school and where they begin to understand how their bodies work by learning through play. Parents and carers actively participate with their child during class and help them to explore their surroundings while they learn to coordinate their bodies. It’s a terrific way to bond with your child while they learn beneficial skills such as balance, coordination and flexibility.
Tackerz (ages 5 - 8) the children now participate independently and learn team work skills, sharing, bonding and developing empathy as they recognise that their world is greater than just their family unit.
Tweenz (ages 9 - 12) learn resilience and develop their own identity as they specialise their skills. Group and individual problem solving support their growing understanding of responsibility and their place in the wider community.
Teenz (ages 13 - 17) use their specialised skills to develop techniques to confidently survey risks and challenges, they combine technical skill with increasingly complex creative expression to shape their own identity into adulthood